Solve the rest of the edge pairs one at a time using the same method as for the first edge. Doing this should guarantee that there are always edge pairs available where at least one is oriented. Insert the cross edge into the bottom layer to complete the cross.

Each piece is either on the top or bottom slice layer. Put both white pieces in the front/left and front/right without breaking the partial cross. If one is in the bottom, turn the front so that its not. If both are oriented I'll pair them in the blue-red positions, while also placing a flipped edge in the orange-yellow position in the B layer. Hold the cross on the bottom, with the unsolved part at the front. If only one is oriented I'll move them into the position of the orange-yellows in the diagram, while also placing a flipped edge in the green-white position in F. To do this, during edge pairing, I'm only looking to connect pairs of edges where at least one is oriented. The idea is to ensure that unoriented edges are flipped to oriented as far as possible. So each time the pairing move is made, 2 edges are flipped. Looking at what happens during these moves, the blue-reds have their orientation preserved, the yellow-orange in B is flipped, and connected with the other yellow-orange, and the white-green in F is flipped and connected with the other white-green. The move used to pair these edges would be l U' R U l' You see, on a 3x3 puzzle each of the edges are basically made for you. It is called so because it is first noticed during the OLL stage of a solve. R U2 r' U2 r' D2 r D2 r' B2 r B2 r' (13 btm) This is the indication that you have parity. and so far the shortest sequence appears to be: I'm aware of (and have had a good read of) these threads: I'm not sure if this is the best way, but my preferred system for measuring 4x4 movecounts from a speedsolving perspective is block turn metric. You will find the answer and explanation to your. Short answer: it's not possible to solve, and you can't get to that configuration from a standard Rubik's Cube in the first place. Holding the cube with the 2 edges on the TOP LEFT and TOP RIGHT perform the algorithm: R U F U Now, hold the4x4 with the 2 edges on the FRONT LEFT and FRONT. I would post this as a comment, but I don't have enough rep to do so yet :P. The alg must not permute the centres (relative to each other), but may permute the dedges and corners in any way. Disclaimer: Possible duplicate of ( Swap the edges in a solved Rubik's cube ). So what I'm looking for is the shortest sequence of moves which change an odd-number of flipped dedges into an even number, while maintaining the edge pairs and centres. BEYOND BEGINNERS 2 - Rubiks Cube Tutorial - Flip two middle layer edge pieces. My inspecction time for EO (without the line) is probably quick enough for this approach to be practical. 4x4 Rubiks Cube Tutorial Part 2 EDGE PAIRING NO Algorithms EASY. The idea would be to do just EO inspection, and solve the line after EO (and/or EO parity). As a ZZ user looking to get into 4x4, I've been trying to find a nice way to solve the 4x4 by doing EO after reduction.